Friday, February 22, 2008


I tried first, but it seemed busy as my browser was unable to connect after a couple tries. Next I went to Podcastalley and looked around. Searched "libraries" and a number of records came up. However, it seemed I would need to download some more software to listen, so I got cold feet. Tried Yahoo Podcasts and it was so much easier to use! With just Windows mediaplayer that I have installed, I was able to listen to a free minute of Johnny Cash, which was featured on the home page, and then searched "libraries" and chose an NPR program "Libraries Become Temporary Refuge for Homeless." NPR programs were free, and they are always good content. (Podcastalley had a lot of catchy library phrases, and nothing against everyone being a star, but I did not want to spend time sifting through a lot of productions that may or may not be worthwhile). It was also extremely easy to add the RSS NPR feed to my bloglines. And instantly, NPR: the Opinion Page appeared. I like easy--no fuss, no installations, no passwords and logins. Someday (soon) when my ever more decrepit portable cd player plays its last Mozart, I too will have an iPod or more covetously, an iPhone, and will definitely be more into iTunes and other subscription media downloads.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Audio & Video

I had some fun trying out these sites, but again with mixed results. for Alfred Brendel, gave me a profile but connected me to "similar" artists for listening. Sound quality was not good and I could not turn up the volume to really hear it. It listed the track, but not the composer or full work. I liked the menu choices, including "don't ever play again."
pandora--tried the song name "yesterday." About six different and unknown groups came up, but I guess the Beatles are not sharing their work. When I randomly chose one of the groups, it began playing a completely different song, with a little disclaimer popup --"why we're not playing yesterday" but when I clicked for the explanation--nothing. I know that music copyright is a touchy deal, so maybe I was expecting too much. Sound quality poor.
IMEEM-- I liked browsing the categories. I chose "classical" but it wasn't my definition of "classical." More like just pop lite. The sound quality was much better on this site. But then when I tried to leave the site--I couldn't. Held prisoner!
Internet archive--I had great fun watching a few minutes of some 30's and 40s cartoons since I love the popular culture of that era. Something I will definitely return to when I'm bored at home. The Popeye cartoons were "feature" length, one was a bit pixeled, however. This site is a keeper.
Sound effects--a good one to refer patrons to, as we sometimes have requests for various effects recordings. The ones I tried, I could not play because of something lacking on my computer.
Mango languages--would love to try but am so sick of having to sign up, login, password, etc. Yesterday I just ran out of time, and I see I have just 10 minutes left today to finish this blog. \Gutenberg's audiobook--limited choices, but I hope it grows and grows. I will want to come back, and maybe if it's still around in my old age, volunteer to read something. I love reading aloud to an audience!

Friday, February 8, 2008

I like Google Docs a lot. Perhaps in my old age I will choose to do more with my blog and post some documents. I think it could have very serious applications with committees or just note taking in meetings, since those are usually emailed to supervisors for editing and approval. I am also proud of myself for figuring out to go to the Google Home Page when the link from Web 2.0 instructions did not allow me to login. Home page entry worked like a charm.

cool stuff

Tried blog readability check, when I copied and pasted my url it responded "unable to check url entered." Now I do feel dumb, because I am always moving urls around and no problem. Also looked at Yahoo answers and found a good question I wanted to offer my 2cents advice, but clicking "answer" just went to a dead end and then I noticed Sign In. So I guess you have to have an account, and I am frankly sick of doing that. Already I feel my stock of memorable passwords is depleted, not to mention my email is comprimised. Sketchcast also required a login. Wordshoot was fun and one I will recommend to patrons who enjoy games and NEED some typing skills. The easy level was truly easy.

Thursday, February 7, 2008


I have very mixed feelings about wikis. I enjoy our IS wiki for sharing info or good websites. Wikipedia sometimes has valuable info, but what is the source and authority? Since I have encountered a number of photos and photo tricks around the Internet, I have become more and more suspicious of sources. I liked the example of the camper's group--I think a wiki for a short-term committe or library collaborative project would be helpful. Did not know we had a building project wiki, but that is a good library example. Wikibooks intrigued me, alas it supposedly is offering textbooks, and none of interest to me. Where do those geologists hide? Wikimedia commons had photos, but some of the categories I checked were nearly empty. Maybe it is not as popular a photo-hosting site.

Monday, February 4, 2008


I like these websites. I have been keeping a Word document reading "journal" for many years; this provides a good alternative. Plus I always like to know what others are reading and looking at others' booklists, a great distraction on Amazon. Some of the customization and importing to the blog are not intuitive or immediate, but I managed with some help.


Since I have been keeping a Word document reading journal for many years, this will be a good alternative. I do enjoy sharing good reads and others' lists. Some of the customization for this site was not terribly intuitive or apparent.
